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Tonight I've moved the first entries of my old log over to this new format. Satisfying. I'm also about to publish a new part of my site, a collection of the latest books I've read. Or mostly listened to. Since some weeks I've used an app called Biblio, which let's me register with my public library card and then loan streaming audio books for free (the library of course pays for the service, so I'm in reality paying with my taxes).

I'm afraid it probably just works in Sweden, otherwise I'd really recommend it. I'm already on my fifth book in just these weeks. And it gives me the opportunity to listen during my bike rides to and from my two jobs. I feel like it inspires my writing as well. The more I listen, the more I want to write. Maybe not a novel, initially, but just write. Texts like these, and the upcoming book page. Literature is friggin awesome.

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